Ghost Song

The moon that is solitary in Lorian V is an area of curiosity, history as well as terror. Refresh yourself from an extended slumber, and venture into deep caverns with a twisting arc to uncover secrets, acquire the latest abilities, and confront fierce foes. Listen to the tragic tales of Lorian’s lost residents. By doing this will you learn– – and keep in mind– the real story.
The “Metroidvania” game, which is an extremely challenging and extremely rewarding game is both fun and satisfying.
Explore a huge, connected and lonely universe of hidden secrets and surprises
Controls that are precise and responsive.
The theme of loneliness and isolation
Fully voiced NPCs with full voice.
To find completely forbidden or hidden areas, gain new tools and abilities
Pets can undergo a mystifying evolutionary processes if you provide proper pet with the proper.
A heartfelt story of family, courage and redemption.